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The oldest Jewish organization in Alberta.

Congregation House of Jacob Mikveh Israel is the oldest Jewish organization in Alberta.

Jacob Lynn Diamond, the first permanent Jewish settler in Alberta came to Calgary from Vilna, Lithuania in 1888. Diamond, a fur trader, and his wife Rachel established the town’s Jewish community. Formal organization of the congregation took place in 1909 and the first synagogue building was consecrated in 1912. It was called “House of Jacob.”

By the late 1950’s the membership of the parent House of Jacob began to decline. Its original historic site gave way to urban renewal, and the aging congregation found a second home near 12th St. and 12 Ave. SW. Since then, the congregation has moved to a new home and succeeded in reestablishing its membership, which now includes many young families drawn to the Synagogue by the warmth and beauty of Jewish life.

Congregation House of Jacob-Mikveh Israel is a member synagogue of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America .