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Southwestern style architecture drawing upon themes of the desert and native cultures.

The name, Solel, means Pathfinder in English. Since the 1966 founding of the congregation, it has explored “fresh pathways and approaches to Jewish celebration, learning and living, while maintaining an abiding respect for traditional Jewish values.” Temple Solel was founded by twelve individuals who were committed to Jewish worship and education with a desire to have a personal and warm congregation.

The Congregation’s synagogue building was originally the Scottsdale Bible Church, designed by Bennie Gonzales, FAIA, Master Southwest Architect. (1924 – 2008) Gonzales, a native of Arizona, grew up with Spanish as his first language. He achieved fame for is Southwest regional style which combined modernism with the culture and materials of the Sonoran Desert, often employing forms and themes of Native American and Mexican adobe structures that are common to the Southwest.